Welcome to Cruinniú na nÓg, Ireland's national day of free creativity for children and young people. This year we are doing things differently and everything is going online. Everything you will need for a fantastic day of creativity is available right here; from making your own video game, to having a chéilí in your kitchen. From learning how to make a real cool kite to making up fabulous stories about one of Ireland's Great Lighthouses. Don't wait until 13th June , get started now...Cruinniú na nÓg 2020 is going to be great.
Many of the 5th and 6th class students may already be familiar with the Primary Planet magazine. It is a children’s monthly newspaper style glossy magazine. It contains 40 pages of fresh, topical and up to date features each month. The online version is jam packed with news, sport, entertainment, activities and competitions to children in a language they understand and in a manner they can easily relate to. It also encourages children to read and write for a purpose, providing opportunities for them to contribute to the magazine and engage with our readers. TAKE A LOOK.... https://www.theprimaryplanet.ie/ If you haven't heard of Niamh Shaw before, you definitely need to watch this and follow her online, watch her videos and listen to her stories. An engineer, a scientist, an artist and a performer. Her ultimate dream is to go to space! And one of passions is to bring everyone along with her on her journey through talks on radio, television. Just take a look for yourself.....BE CURIOUS! :) Niamh also recommends those interested to follow @esa (European Space Agency). They have great activities you can do at home. While on lockdown, discover a whole new world with our Explorer Pack - the latest in EPIC’s series of fun-filled history resources for children. Full of engaging puzzles, quizzes and activities for children 8+ to enjoy, download our 12 page ‘History-at-home’ pack today! Here’s what you’ll discover inside!
A message from Dublin EPIC Museum: "We hope you enjoy our Explorers pack with your family. Remember you can share the fun you're having at home online, using the hashtag #EPICMuseum. Happy Exploring! Shannon Wilson, Education and Outreach Manager" FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR MORE NEWS FROM DUBLIN EPIC MUSEUM:
https://epicchq.com/latest-news/ This website has designed a daily schedule of interesting topics to learn about, research and much more. They have broken it into class levels. Now, it is American so some topics may not be relevant but scroll through it and you definitely find a few activities that will interest your child. Equivalent Grade/Class levels: Pre-K = Junior Infants Kindergarten = Senior Infants Grade 1 = 1st Class Grade 2 = 2nd Class....and so on.. Follow this link: https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html A Sneaky Peek.... Junior Infants & Senior Infants 3rd Class - 5th Class
StorylineOnline is a YouTube channel where celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Chrissy Metz, Kristen Bell, Wanda Sykes, Sarah Silverman and many more read stories that your children will love. Each video also has moving illustrations from the book to keep your children even more entertained.
Let’s Play Ireland is a government-led initiative aimed at promoting play for all children living in Ireland during the COVID-19 emergency.
Playing is central to children’s physical, mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing. Children learn through play while developing resilience, flexibility and understanding of their world. Play in families enriches childhood. All children and young people have a right to play. Play has never been more important, but during this time please follow the HSE advice on physical distancing and wash your hands. For more information go to hse.ie/coronavirus. Follow this link: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/lets-play-ireland/ EPIC - The Irish Emigration Museum, may be closed, but it has a brilliant Virtual Tour for you to try out.
They’ve gathered together some of their favourite stories from the exhibition, and included them in a virtual tour of the museum for you to explore #MuseumFromHome. Follow this Link: https://dublin.epicchq.com/virtual-tour-epic-the-irish-emigration-museum SCOILNET WEBSITE: You can access over 20,000 resources shared by Primary and Post-Primary teachers anytime, anywhere. Search materials by class/year group, subject, strand, and learning outcomes. Scoilnet have divided the website into useful sections such as: SCOILNET THEMEPAGES - You can access subject-based themed pages. Each themepage presents a set of links and resources on a particular topic. SCOILNET NEWS ARTICLE (recommendations) - Scoilnet has reached out online to teachers and organisations to share their support and resources with one another. Scoilnet would like to highlight a number of these supports or teacher recommendations through this online space. FOLLOW SCOILNET - HOME ACCESS FOR MORE RESOURCES
It has plenty of ideas you could use, a sample daily schedule wilt a mix of play time, rest time, free play, learning, exercise, eating, and cleaning. Click here to go to "THINGS TO DO WHILE YOU'RE STUCK AT HOME BECAUSE THE SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED". |
About this PageThis page has been created in response to the closure of schools. Working TogtherIf you have ideas or suggestions please let me know by email or phone. Leave a commentWas the website useful? Does you child have a favourite? Let us know by leaving a comment under the post.
June 2020