We usually stay indoors when it starts to rain...and for good reason too. But this time around there will probably be times when you will still need to get outdoors for a bit of fresh air and your deserved 2km radius bit of exercise. Mothernatured.com have listed lots of ideas on their page. Some you won't be able to do at the moment but there should be a few useful ideas there for you: https://mothernatured.com/nature-play/50-ways-to-play-in-the-rain/ For example:
" Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds" Step outside and look up (before the rain comes). Did you know there is a Facebook page for The Irish Cloud Appreciation Society? "For people who like to look up", they say. Have a look and feel free to send them in your photos. https://www.facebook.com/pg/theirishcloudappreciationsociety/photos/?ref=page_internal BBC have a cloud spotting sheet and a guide to help you get to grips with the many types of clouds out there.
What about organising a bug hunt for the kids in the garden? Or if you don’t have a garden, a patio or the local park will work too. Even a virus can’t cancel spring and this is the time of year when all manner of mini-beasts are at their most active. So, set a challenge. How many insects can the kids find and identify, while not touching or otherwise disturbing the tiny creatures? Good places to search are on flowering plants, beneath logs and stones, and amid grassland roots. To start you could give them a pen and paper to note such details as colour, size and how many legs the bugs have and then send them off (a magnifying glass is extra fun if you have one). Afterwards, go online with them to research the insects’ names and be amazed by how many mini-beasts are sequestered in even the smallest spaces. A useful website for doing this is insectidentification.org.
Welcome to the 2020 Incredible Edibles Family Challenge!Incredible Edibles is a healthy eating project normally availed by primary school teachers. However, in light of the current global pandemic, with schools closed and most of the Irish public in home isolation, we decided to open it up to ALL PARENTS to aid in at home learning, while also giving you an opportunity to win some PRIZES! This is a fun and educational curriculum linked horticulture project, that will get your children thinking and learning all about how your food goes from field to fork! If you are a social bunch like us, why not take pictures of your work and tag us @agriaware and use the hashtag #IncredibleEdibles2020 Family Challenge. We would be sure to re share, and love to see your progression with the project!
About this PageThis page has been created in response to the closure of schools. Working TogtherIf you have ideas or suggestions please let me know by email or phone. Leave a commentWas the website useful? Does you child have a favourite? Let us know by leaving a comment under the post.
June 2020