Prize Giving is always a fabulous assembly in our school. The wonderful achievements of the girls over the year are acknowledged with medals and certs. We had prizes for football team, soccer team and athletics squad, the choir who performed at Peace Proms, the Ukulele & Recorder group and our young chefs who completed the cookery course. The 6th Class girls were also presented with their end of year attendance prizes. Well done to all the girls and teachers involved.
Today we had a very special visit from the well known comedy caberet string quartet "Graffiti Classical". They were amazing and have instilled a new love of classical music in us all. Take a look at some of the photos from today...
We had a great day on Friday 27th October as the whole school gathered together in the hall for our annual Céilí na Samhna. Each class put a lot of practice into learning their Céilí dance. Paddy decorated the hall and Ms. DeNuinseann was our MC for the day. Have a look at the photos to see some of the creative and spooky Halloween costumes from the day. Every class has worked really hard this year and to show of some of the amazing talent in our school we will host an end of year showcase on Tuesday 27th June. We will have two showings to facilitate as many people as possible. The times are as follows:
Parents from Junior Infants,1st, 3rd and 5th classes 9:30am Parents from Senior Infants,2nd,4th and 6th classes 11:30am All children will perform in both showings. We hope to see you there. |
February 2024