A huge congratulations to the girls in Sixth Class who today received their Speech and Drama exam awards. Four girls in the class had all their certificates and received great results in their drama exams throughout their 8 years in St. John of God G.N.S. It is because of this that they received a very special Medal from Ms. Noone. One of the girls received a trophy as she received distinction in all of her exams! A huge well done to each and every one of the girls and to all the girls in the younger classes, make sure you mind all your certificates very carefully so when you are in Sixth Class you may receive a medal too!
Summer Holidays are nearly here and hopefully the sun will come back out for the next two months.
We will get our holidays on Friday the 30th June. Junior and Senior Infants will finish at 12:05. 1st- 5th class will finish at 12:15. Bring a small healthy snack for small break. There will be no school lunches on Friday. Have a great Summer and we look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, 31st August. Today the girlS in Senior Infants brought home their sunflowers. It has been hard work looking after them, making sure they get enough sunlight and water, and trying to rescue them from whoever is nibbling on their leaves! The first photo is the first batch of sunflower seeds we planted and the second photo are the seeds we planted recently. They have more growing to do!
Hopefully they will grow even more when they are planted in the ground or in bigger pots at home! Please email us in some photos of your sunflowers over the summer holidays and we can add them to the website. Well done to all our budding gardeners! AttendanceToday we had our end of year assembly and prize giving. We had a lot of prizes. A big thank you to Ms. Gleeson for doing such wonderful shopping. Well done to all the girls. The first prizes went to the girls who didn't miss a day for the last three months. A special well done to the following girls. These girls only missed 3 days in the whole year. These girls only missed 2 days in the year. These girls only missed 1 day in the whole year. And finally, a massive well done to the following girls who have had full attendance this school year. WOW! We also had prize giving to all the wonderful girls who took part in extra curricular activities during the school year. Athletics Prize-givingThe following girls came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in our school races and also represented us at this year's Cumann na mBunscoil Athletics competition in Morton Stadium, Santry. Well done girls! Gaelic FootballThese girls trained hard after school and at lunchtime with Ms. Clarke, Ms. Gerrard and Ms. Keoghane. Many of the girls represented the school in this year's Cumann na mBunscoil League. Well done girls! A big welcome to the new member of the football team who have been training extremely hard every week for the past few months. MusicThe first and second class took part in violin lessons with Mrs. Breen after school. We are all looking forward to hearing them perform at the concert tomorrow.
The third class worked hard learning the recorder with a member of the Artane Band this year. They even got to perform with the Artane band! What an achievement and gret honour. Well done girls!
Every class has worked really hard this year and to show of some of the amazing talent in our school we will host an end of year showcase on Tuesday 27th June. We will have two showings to facilitate as many people as possible. The times are as follows:
Parents from Junior Infants,1st, 3rd and 5th classes 9:30am Parents from Senior Infants,2nd,4th and 6th classes 11:30am All children will perform in both showings. We hope to see you there. We are very proud to be an Active School. Each year our school participates in Active Schools week. During this week, the girls in each class will participate in different P.E. activities everyday. Monday- Obstacle course Tuesday- Athletics and Co-Operative Games Wednesday - Orienteering. Thursday - Football Friday -Sports day Our school jog is always a wonderful day for children and parents. Well done to all the girls, parents and teachers who took part this year.
On May 31st the fifth and sixth class girls had a visit from the Abbey Theatre Schools group. They performed a play based on the character Sara Tansey from Synge's Playboy of the Western World. We all enjoyed hearing her story and learning about the theatre.
February 2024