Today we celebrated World Book Day in style. Everyone dressed up as their favourite character and had a chance to visit the Book and Stationary Fair in the hall. Well done to all the girls for their creative and amazing costumes. Most impressively one girl dressed up as a character from her own book! A huge thank you to the Parents' Association for all their hard work in organising the fair. Here are some photos from the day!
For World Book Day each class revamped their classroom library. Here are some of the photos so far. Which one is your favourite? Let us know by leaving a comment! It is that time of year again! The Parent's Association and Geraldine have been busy knitting our woolly friends. If you want one you will have to act fast however as they in big demand.
Cost: €3 for 1 €5 for 2 Last Thursday, 8th March was St. John of God Day. The girls in Ms. Gerrard's First Class organised a very special assembly to celebrate. Here is a photo of them all. Thank you to Ms. Gerrard and her girls for all their hard work. They were wonderful!
A big congratultions to the 6th Class girls who made their Confirmation last Thursday 8th of March. A big thank you to Mrs. Breen for all her hard work in preparing the girls. We also would like to congratulate and thank Ms. O'Dwyer and the choir for all their hard work and beautiful singing. They made the Confirmation extra special.
On Friday, we got to see all the girls in their beautiful outfits when they put on a little fashion show for us. You all looked beautiful girls. Well done to all the girls who were in school every day for the month of February. Here are photos of them with their prizes.
February 2024